Should You Do Your Korean Skincare Routine Every Day?
Obviously, skincare is all about consistency and the more consistent you are with your regime the better results you’ll have but. Despite this, we all have those days where skincare feels like an exhausting chore and we neglect certain steps to or just don’t do it altogether. And for those new to a Korean skincare routine, it can feel like a daunting task that’s not only time consuming but also challenging to find all the right products. Thus, we often get questions like are “all 10 steps of a Korean skincare routine something you need to do every day?” The answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no, so read on for a more detailed explanation and tips to maximize the effectiveness of your Korean skincare routine.
Are all 10 steps in a Korean skincare routine necessary?
You should think of the 10-step routine not as rigid instructions but more of a guide that can be tailored to your skin’s unique needs. Not every product in a Korean skincare routine is used daily or both in the morning and at night so you can adjust the regimen to fit your lifestyle and skincare needs. After all, the goal of skincare is to address your skin’s unique needs.
What steps are the most important in a Korean skincare routine?
Cleansing, moisturizing, and damage prevention are the most important steps that you should never skip.
Cleansing demands consistency so you’ll want to do this step in the morning and at night, every day. Using two cleansers, usually an oil-based product like our Natural Coconut Cleansing Oil and a water-based product like our Power Calm Hydrating Gel Cleanser, will allow you to gently cleanse skin without disrupting it’s natural barrier.
A Korean moisturizer will lock in all the beneficial ingredients in the products you previously applied rather than them evaporating out of the skin. Thus, it’s a crucial step in any Korean skincare routine. We recommend our Matcha Pudding Antioxidant Cream as an all-in-one moisturizer for all skin types and Troxederm Repair Moisture Cream for those with sensitive skin.

It’s much easier to prevent damage than repair it, making an SPF a key step you should use every day before going outside. We recommend our Skin Shield Blurring Primer becomes a new essential in your Korean skincare routine.

While you can certainly customize a Korean skincare routine to your unique needs and lifestyle, there are certain steps – cleansing, moisturizing, and damage prevention – that are non-negotiables. It’s important to keep up with these steps every day. Shop our selection today and find your new favorite skincare products!