Our in-house estheticians have received so many questions on how to achieve that elusive Glass Skin. You might have heard our founder, Alicia, discuss
Glass Skin with the media over the last couple years, or you might have seen this skin goal on our Instagram, or you might have seen the Glass Skin-getting products on our site over the last year. The questions kept coming in, "yes, but how exactly can you get that glassy skin?" The kind of skin that is so smooth, poreless, and translucent that it looks like a beaming slab of pristine glass.
This kind of glass skin is best achieved when skin is calm, without inflammation, hydrated, plumped up and well-nourished. Those are lofty skin goals, and fundamentally, speak to basic elements of balanced, happy, and healthy skin. We also heard you: it shouldn't be so hard to get that glassy skin. So, we set on the challenge to come up with one product that would truly help achieve glass skin. Just one formula. That proved to be no easy feat.
We tested over two hundred formulas, including conducting face tests on over forty cosmetic chemists in our partner lab (which doesn't happen for every formula that's developed in these labs, but the chemists knew that we needed to see results -- undeniable results -- so they took us up on the challenge), and tested and tested to see if it would be possible to truly create a product worthy of its name: Travel Size Glass Skin Refining Serum.
We invite you into a whole new world of skincare where results come first, the ingredients are clean and fresh, and the experience is delightful. No tradeoffs, here.